Think expansion(Wealth tips)


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Thinking that money is evil is one of the bad ideology one can posses. Money itself is not the root of all evil, in fact money answers to all things, rather the love for Money ( I. e the undying Passion to get it at all means) is the root of all evil. Over the years we have seen people do the unthinkable, stoop too low just to get money, likewise we have seen a larger number making a decision not to do bad just for money. You doing wrong for money is entirely your choice, money has always been needed yet there are good people in the world.

Another is having the ideology that you should just focus on passion not minding the income it brings about isn't too good of an idea. First of all we should think of getting money and making it large, working towards it, continually building ourselves to be able to earn more, this should be the start, reason being that those who would start off pursuing passion alone must have a strong backing, there are many times and things one would experience that would likely frustrate the effort because its still in its building stage, so they need all the form of support they can get.

Its better to start and finish rather than start and stop halfway, and the more likely wat to start and finish is when you are financial stable yourself. Its easier to pursue your passion without the questions of how to feed today or next, without debts, without the money troubles. So firstly work, get an income, sort that aspect out first, then settle down and plan the next step, plan the future having your passion. Its peaceable this way.

Now think expansion, its an insult to your abilities to not want to expand higher than you are already have, so much achievement lies in wait, but you're not just pushing for it, its a crazy mindset, what could possibly be your motive to be comfortable? What could possibly be your motive to relenting from grasping the so much in store? If you are financial capable, and emotionally stable is just timing wasting to keep folding hands. Moreover your expansion is your little good to humanity as it creates more jobs or even renders more solution to a larger audience than former. "To whom much is given much is expected" expansion is required from all, everyone must multiple what has been given, it has been the order given from creation.

Think money and not just that move for expansion, then you can relax and let life serve you, but for now we must work while it is day, there would come a time everyone must rest, then what would we be looking at? Is it our little establishment? Is it out little savings? Or would it be our many startups or our huge amount of cash. It starts from the mind, what we think and envision. Think money and think expansion, then make the move. Pray also that do not forget
It is unethical for people to think that money is the root of all evil. The fact is that , all spheres of life need money.
it is the inordinate desire for money ,that is the root of all evil.

This is why people engage in work so that they can make money and be able to take care of their needs and responsibilities.

It is therefore demanding of us ,to take time and consider the right approach towards money. We need to consider the fact that the surest way towards making money ,is knowing what is in trend.

For example , there was a time when dropshipping was the easiest way to make money , but presently , digital marketing , web designing , programming have replaced it , thus one who may have passion for dropshipping should consider the fact that the business is not as profitable as before.