Things and habits that hinders money making


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In your life, you must have come to a moment when you discover that something you are doing is hindering you from making money. I will share some of what I personally came across and things I feel can hinder money making and I will expect your own contributions.

✓ Improper mindset toward money and making money: There was a time when all that comes to my mind when I hear money is living a spoilt and useless life. That was a wrong mindset I had towards money which made me see making money as a 'sin' so to say.
Others feel they will make money in order use it up uselessly and that is also wrong.

✓ Inability to sacrifice for future benefit: There are people who will not agree to invest the little they have now in order to benefit in the future and that is not a good attitude because, making money is a process and needs such sacrifices.

✓ Lack of hardwork: This entails the lack of zeal to work until you attain and reach your goals. Without hardwork which can come in various ways, making money will be hard.
The first thing that you should do is to make a plan. You need to know exactly what you are going to do with your money and how you will use it. If you do not have a plan, then you will just be wasting time and money.

The second thing that hinders money making is spending more than you earn. This means that if you earn $500 per month, then try not to spend more than $500 in any given month. It may seem difficult at first but once you get used to it, then it becomes much easier than before.

The third thing that hinders money making is procrastination. Procrastination can really cause problems for people who want to save money, especially when it comes to paying bills or getting paid back on loans or credit cards. The reason for this is because there are so many things that are due before the end of the month and so many things need to be done by then that it seems impossible for them all to be completed on time without some help from others.
Another factor that most persons tend to overlook that has actually hindered a lot of persons form making money is fear.
There are lots of persons with great talents but they do not make use of it cause they fear failing. They always paly the question " what if " in their heads. What if the business does not sell? What if no one likes my products, what if am not able to survive in a very competitive market? The truth of the matter is that you can never tell until you actually try. This has also been my problem, everyone wants to be in their comfort zone but that's not possible.
Money making is important due to the fact that through it we get what to wear, eat and a house to live, every one want have money by all means , that is why they all engage in one business or the other in order to make money.
But we not forget in all things that we do it is not away easy especially if we are starting such business at new location, though it may be hard to earn client because they may feel that such business location may seems hard for client to locate especially if such place is hidden.

Making friends with people that are not business minded may also influence us to show little or no regards for making money, but instead we should make friends with people that appreciate business and money making as important.

The form of business we also engage in can count as things one need to consider before stepping into such business.