The top 5 items that will immediately ruin your home inspection.


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If you are planning on buying a new home, it is important that you have a home inspection done. A home inspection will tell you everything you need to know about the condition of your new home.

1. Dirty or damaged drywall. Drywall is so thin, it's easy to damage it without realizing it. Even small amounts of water can damage drywall, which is why it's important to use a moisture detector when checking for moisture inside your walls.

2. Exposed wiring, plumbing and wiring around light switches or outlets. These can be dangerous if not properly covered up by the homeowner and inspectors alike. If there are exposed wires, the inspector should be able to see them easily!

3. Mold and mildew in bathrooms, kitchens and other places where water could collect over time like under sinks and showers or in laundry areas such as basements or crawl spaces under houses or garages.

4. Unstable decking

A deck can be a great addition to your home, but if it's not stable, it's a hazard to you and your family members. A deck that shifts or moves easily could cause injury or damage property when someone falls off of it. If the deck is old and has deteriorated wood supports, there's a good chance that it will give way at some point in the future. It's best to find out what kind of decking is installed before you purchase your home so you know what to expect if one day you decide to sell it down the road.

5. Cracked foundation walls

Foundation cracks are often hidden from view by other structures such as sidewalks or driveways, but they're still important for keeping water out of your home and away from the foundation itself. If cracks are large enough.