The tell-tale signs of unproductive staff


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There will be no need to harbor a worker that is unproductive. You wouldn't only be wasting your resources paying them at the end of the day. You might be having a person that might be ruining others efforts. So instead of keeping such people or person amongst your work force, it is better to fish such a person and flush the person out.

So what are the telltales signs you should look out for;

Big time complainers: They complain all the time about the job they are given to do. They hardly complete a little task.

Give flimsy excuses: They are good at giving unwarranted Excuses. A task is always difficult to them
Put off jobs: This is a hard diehard habit. They keep putting off work.

No motivation to work:They are not Motivated to make any good input in their jobs

Eye service work: They only care about recognition. They don't even want to become better.

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