The Solution to the problems of Loss of Sleep(Insomnia)


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It is normal for older people to need less sleep than younger people. During long winter nights they may spend hours without being able to sleep.
Certain medicines may help bring sleep, but it is better not to use them if the are not absolutely necessary.

Here are some suggestions for sleeping:

(1) Get plenty of exercise during the day.

(2) Do not drink coffee or black tea, especially in the afternoon or evening.

(3) Drink a glass of warm milk or milk with honey before going to bed.

(4) Take a warm bath before going to bed.

(5) If you still can not sleep, try taking an antihistamine like promethazine or dimenhydrinate half an hour before going to bed.
These are less habit-forming than stronger drugs.

What is your take about this?
I belive your idea can still help some one.
Sleep is natural and should be treated like such even it doesn't come when it is supposed to come. There may be many factors responsible for inability to sleep which may be too much pressure on the mind. Or eating heavy food at night. If we eat light food and we don't have any thing bothering our mind, sleep will surely come