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When it comes to buying a home, what do you think is more important: its size or location? While both are crucial factors, the most important feature for you will depend on your specific needs. Maybe most of the friends you ask will answer: "location". However, people who have or want a larger family will have to sacrifice the "perfect" location to get the housing they NEED. If you face the dilemma: size vs. size. the location of a house, read our guide to solve this situation.

The size of a house is more important if ...

Are you planning to start or grow your family?

Are you planning to form or expand your family? Then it would be better to direct the search for housing to find a big house. While the location may not be ideal in terms of distance from work and access to city facilities, it may be the best place for young couples who want to start a family.

You already have a large family

Need more rooms and living space for a large family? If you are ready to move from your home to something more spacious (and practical!), Then consider sacrificing location for size. In addition, a larger house can mean more space in the yard, free space and playground for pets and children.

You need more space for guests

Is your home frequently visited by friends and guests? It's time to dump her and move on. If the friends who visit you do not fit on the sofa in the living room, a larger house with more bedrooms and a more spacious sofa, you will significantly improve your quality of life.

You travel a lot and you don't need a big house

Do you travel a lot? You may need to focus on finding smaller homes. If you find that you are not using half of the bedrooms or space available in your existing home, then buying or renting a smaller home makes sense. In addition, given that you are rarely at home, the location of your home will probably not matter so much.

The location of a house is more important if ...

You want to rent your house

Whether you plan to rent your home to short-term tenants or Airbnb visitors, the geographical location of the property is extremely important.

You have school-age children

Are your children of school age? Then you will have to think about how good the schools in the area are. If the school is on the list of priorities, make sure you notify the real estate agent before starting the search process.

You are about to sell your home

Unless you intend to stay in your home forever, you will need to consider the resale value of the property.
When it comes to resale value, location is one of the most important (if not the most important) factors in determining the long-term appreciation potential of a home. So, if you hope to sell your house in a few years, then location should be a strong consideration.

You need access to certain facilities

Whether it's public transportation or cafes, every day facilities are an important issue when moving into a new home. From grocery stores and restaurants, to malls and parks, those who need certain facilities should place special emphasis on the location of their home at the expense of size.

What else to consider when buying a home

Real Estate Market - Is It A Good Time To Buy? Make sure you do your homework on the real estate market in the area before taking the offers by storm.

Neighborhood and Neighbors - The last thing you want is disturbing and unconscious neighbors. So, spend time in the neighborhood before deciding on the location.

Age and condition of the house - age and condition are important factors to consider before buying a home. If you decide to buy an older home, be prepared to discover all sorts of typical oddities that come with old homes.

Price (and your budget) - Obviously, your budget is one of the most important factors to consider before starting a home hunt. No matter what you do, don't waste your time and energy looking at homes that don't fit your budget.
While buying a house both of them are very important, but it all depends on your wants, if it happens to be me I will choose the both of them, I need both the good location and also a Nice sized house, but is it possible to gain the two of the? I believe everything is possible but you need to include money. Having both good house location and good size is a good Idea. Before buying a house u will also consider the texture and the beauti of the house. This are the things I will consider before buying a house or a apartment.
While buying a house both of them are very important, but it all depends on your wants, if it happens to be me I will choose the both of them, I need both the good location and also a Nice sized house, but is it possible to gain the two of the? I believe everything is possible but you need to include money. Having both good house location and good size is a good Idea. Before buying a house u will also consider the texture and the beauti of the house. This are the things I will consider before buying a house or a apartment.
This comes always to the structure of the location you will build or buy apartments. Some locations have a lot of buildings then you cannot have more locations due they are near to the sea or tourist areas or snow where you can play during winter so it is not a decision up to you but location requirements that obliges you to do such decision. There are many factors that determine the size of such a location.
While buying a house both of them are very important, but it all depends on your wants, if it happens to be me I will choose the both of them, I need both the good location and also a Nice sized house, but is it possible to gain the two of the? I believe everything is possible but you need to include money. Having both good house location and good size is a good Idea. Before buying a house u will also consider the texture and the beauti of the house. This are the things I will consider before buying a house or a apartment.
Yes you are right and I think it also depends on the buyer, even though both of them are very very important, the location of your house and either a small house
I think the advantage of having your house in a good location is much more better, most especially when it happens to be that you are rich, if your house is in a bad location were there are thiefs or even arm robbers you will definitely encounter so many challenges such as stealing your property and many other bad cases, but if it happens to be that you are living in a good area were there is not all this bad set of people, but you are living in a very small apartment I believe you will stay comfortable and happily unlike the person staying In a bad location, but to you which one will you prefer?
If I am interested in buying an apartment the most important thing I will always looks for is the the size and this will also depend on the numbers of family members that would live in the apartment, then location also is very important because obviously I cannot get an apartment in a location that is not secured, when choosing a location outside to go for a location that has all the necessary amenities like good electricity, good road network and also environment that is free from air pollution. All this my depends on individual.
These are true and valid. It largely depends on the what you plan to do with the house and as well the security of the place and several other important factors as stated above
Buyers of homes are particular with the location and the size or design of the house is secondary. There was a compound in our town that is so nice that the houses are priced high. But there are no buyers even after a year only a few houses were occupied. The main reason is the access road. It is about half a kilometer that is inhabited by squatters. The road looks like a slum area and it is surprising to see at the end is the gate of the big housing compound. For me, that kind of housing is doomed because I will never buy a house no matter the design, no matter the price if the access road is not presentable. The real estate agent said that the owner of the lands that are occupied by squatters are currently for sale. That is like pinning the hope on the development of the area which is unpredictable.
Are usually considered a lot of things whenever I want to purchase a house but I usually go with the mindset that I might not actually click all my boxes. The most important thing I check in the house is actually the location. I am very much obsessed about finding a house that is very close to the road and also has some near next to social amenities like water and my workplace. In this weight is going to ensure that I'm going to be saving a lot of money on transportation as well as other minor expenses along the way.
In terms of the size of the house or the location, it depends on the reason for buying the house in the first place. If my reason is money related, probably for renting out or for a particular business, I think my best choice would be a good location, not minding the size as long as it's not too small. If my reason is just for my own purpose, I do not mind about the location, I just need something big
When it comes to purchasing a house, as you said both size and location are crucial factors, it comes to one's specific needs what's important for them to choose between the two. When it's about house-hunting, size and location are those two concepts that does not go hand-in-hand. Prioritising size and location will depend on your current and future needs. Therefore, you have to evaluate and have a clear idea whether you should look for size or location before making the final decision about buying a house. Should you go for a small flat downtown, or a spacious home in the suburbs.