General insurance The Role of Insurance in Estate Planning

Leah Kelvin

Active member
Estate planning is a process that involves several issues, and one of its crucial parts is life insurance. First, it helps the beneficiaries continue their prior standard of living as it pays for expenses such as debts and future needs. Second, it can pay estate taxes instantly thereby keeping loss in selling of assets. Thirdly, through this process will make sure that all children are treated equally by supporting heirs with some amount of equity in their inheritance.Likewise, it could be applied as a business tool for accomplishing many objectives.In addition to that, once someone dies leaving behind debts therefore good thing to do is apply for life insurance policy which can go ahead to cover up obligations leaving other things intact for any other survivors.It also provides a program for charitable giving upon death.Lastly,I would like to point out how vital life insurance is in securing our future financially as well as mental status.This paper thus discusses some of the best strategies you can employ when insuring yourself basing on your personal goals and needs after seeking some professional advice from financial advisor or expert estate planner.