The Power of Social Media Marketing and Advertising.

You’ve probably heard of social media marketing and advertising by now, but what exactly do those terms mean? Social media marketing and advertising refers to any type of content that is shared on social media networks with the intent of making it viral. What does this look like in practice? It can include anything from clever product descriptions and clever headlines, to witty or heartfelt messages that will resonate with readers and make them want to share your work with others. If you’re interested in learning more about the power of social media marketing and advertising, here are some helpful links...

What is an influence?

It’s clear that influencers aren’t a fad; in fact, they’re only growing in popularity. But what does it mean to be an influencer? And how do brands find these people? If you want to know about social media, you need to learn about influence. Influencers are real people who have attracted a dedicated following on social media platforms—and are therefore more likely than others to positively shape their followers’ attitudes or behaviors through authentic word-of-mouth messaging.

Why are they influential?

One can easily argue that a large percentage of today’s marketing efforts involve some form of social media. If you aren’t monitoring what your customers are saying, then it might be time to start considering investing in social media advertising. The term social media marketing may sound like a load of jargon, but in reality, it can do wonders for your brand.

How do you become an influencer?

You could always become an influencer by building your own following through hard work, but sometimes you don’t have time to wait for organic growth. This is where purchasing fake followers comes in—but at what cost? You might increase your social media clout overnight, but it could negatively impact your long-term branding strategy. Is it worth sacrificing authenticity to build up a high profile quickly? That depends on how you’re marketing yourself, and whether or not you care about being exposed as a fraud.

How can they help your business?

If your business needs to reach a wider audience, social media is a great way to do it. You can use it for marketing, branding, networking—and pretty much everything else. The benefits of social media are endless, but if you’re new to these platforms, read up on how they work so you know how to implement them correctly into your marketing strategy. For example, Facebook’s algorithm determines what posts appear in users’ newsfeeds based on their activity; if they interact with certain types of content more than others (like photos), that will determine where those posts show up in their feed. So don’t just post a photo once and think it will be seen by all your followers!

How much do they cost?

A social media manager, who will help you craft your message and then advertise it, can cost anywhere from $25 per hour to $200 per hour, depending on what services they provide. The average rate for a dedicated employee with full-time experience is around $75 per hour, according to Susan Hallam, CEO of Communications Experts. A consultant might charge between $50 and $150 per hour, while an agency could charge as much as $500 or more. But keep in mind that these are just averages—many agencies charge more than that, while some freelancers offer their services at lower rates.

What would be a typical pay scale?

How much do social media experts make? According to Glassdoor, entry-level social media positions can earn $40,000 to $50,000 per year. The average social media manager makes around $60,000 per year, while senior-level managers with more than five years of experience can make upwards of $80,000 annually. Salaries for social media directors and agency owners vary greatly based on company size and revenue generation. Senior-level executives in larger companies with higher revenues often bring home annual salaries of $100,000 or more. Freelance social media consultants also command top dollar; some charge as much as $300 an hour or a flat rate that starts at around $1,500 per month.

What are 'influencer posts'?

Ever see an Instagram post from a friend that looks a little different? Those are called influencer posts — they’re promoted content posted by individuals (or brands with super-popular influencers) in order to get more people to engage with their pages. Influencer posts are typically marked as such in your feed, so if you notice one while scrolling through your Instagram account, you can tap on it to learn more about who paid for it. Sometimes, those posts will include links to buy products or sign up for services offered by the brand or person posting them. Other times, they may just be ads promoting a product or service without any real context around why you should buy or use it. Influencer marketing is big business — according to research firm Captiv 8 , U.S.-based influencers saw an average annual increase of 541 percent in sponsored content payouts between 2014 and 2017.

Are there different categories of influencers?

Most marketers focus on different categories of influencers—for example, there are micro-influencers, macro-influencers, organic influencers, paid influencers (also known as sponsored or brand ambassadors), etc. Each category has its own unique characteristics. For instance, a micro-influencer might have a few thousand followers on Instagram but they’re very engaged with your product or service. On the other hand, a macro-influencer might have millions of followers but their engagement is not always as high. The most important thing to remember is that you want to partner with an influencer who aligns well with your business goals. For example, if you’re launching a new beauty product for teens, it would make sense to partner with an influencer who has thousands of teen followers. But if you’re launching a new pet product for dogs, it wouldn’t make sense to partner with someone who only reaches out to teenage girls.