The future of crypto investment.


New member
Quantum won't entirely replace classical computing – not in the foreseeable future, anyway – for many computational tasks it won't offer any real advantage. For the types of complex calculations that it does excel at, though, we can expect to see computers that operate hundreds of millions of times more quickly.

Cryptocurrencies are secured by a technology called public key cryptography. ... If current progress continues, quantum computers will be able to crack public key cryptography, potentially creating a serious threat to the crypto world, where some currencies are valued at hundreds of billions of dollars.This is the first quantum blockchain and will accelerate cryptocurrencies in the future.

Quantum computers have an astronomical amount of computational power compared to classic computing, and they will harness this to create the next generation of blockchains. Not only quantum proof, but quantum fast!

I think that now is the time to change the world with quantum technology. This is the first quantum blockchain and will accelerate cryptocurrencies in the future.Benefits of Quantum Computers:


Our conventional computers are unable to break the encryption that uses very large prime number factorization. This decryption leads us to much safer digital data transfer.

Data Analytics:

We have an enormous amount of data, to process such large data, and to extract useful information from data we need to use the power of quantum computers.

Connecting, securing, and empowering all networks to continue innovating while retaining quantum supremacy

USX's mission is to unite the cryptocurrency community through education and collaboration with researchers and developers to secure and develop the future of quantum-based blockchains.

USX will create blockchain quantum encryption by leveraging the power of quantum computers. This paves the way for transactions faster than the speed of light, which we will require in the future of space exploration, industry 4.0, and beyond.
A unified society capable of laying the ground work for the next generation of encryption.

The USX token will provide many use-cases such as:

Being a digital currency of the future in which you will be able to transact on the most secured and advanced network,Providing incentives to the community (researchers, developers, creators, learners, and the entire USX community) to work together on the securing our precious blockchains.

An online education platform

Future discounts and incentives will continually be updated and added


Send, receive, and transactions on the most secure and advanced blockchain network.


Light- speed transactions across astronomical units. utilizing Quantum-Entanglement for Interstellar transactions, Providing technology for future space exploration.


Utilizing quantum communication to establish a shared key between two parties


An enhanced network in which computational power evolves at an astronomical rate in contrast to classical computing.

I think that now is the time to change the world with quantum technology.


IFO/ICO: 5% (130,000,000):
•Target: $6,500,000 USD. Percentage of max supply: 5% (130,000,000
•Price per coin: $0.05 USD.

Private sale: 5% (130,000,000)

• Target: $650,000 USD. Percentage of max supply: 5% (130,000,000
• Price per coin: $0.005 USD.
• Is for early investors. We only want investors who will contribute to the project for the long term and not for a short financial gain.

Therefore, please acknowledge that any purchases on the private sale are subject to vesting schedules.

• 12 months vesting schedule released 8.33% monthly.
• Initial distribution for Q4 2021 will be 10,833,333

For more info you can simply visit quantumcode org's official web site.
So now , what is the main purpose for which cryptocurrency was created for now ? Because I understand you were talking about quantum computer becoming a threat to the whole cryptosystem because it may have the possibility to hack into the original cryptography that was initially designed to secure the blockchain technology.. and at the same time you are talking about encryption .So does it truly mean that you are both stating the advantage of cryptocurrency and also the disadvantage it will bring in the future ?
Are you saying the coin to be launched by your company (USX) will be quite different from the regular coins that are generated using cryptography? Probably the coin will be much better than the crypto coins and it will not cause damage to the world like the crypto coins could do. With the sale at $0.05, and the company is offering a presale, I was hoping there could be airdrop.

We need more updates on this