The Evolution Of Faucets


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Plumbing systems have been around since the beginning of time. The Minoan Palace of Knossos in Crete actually had the earliest terra cotta-based plumbing that supplied water for faucets, as well as faucets made of marble, gold, and silver, at circa 1700 BC. Lead pipes and private bathrooms were already commonplace in Roman times (1000 BC - 476 AD). Rome's public baths already had gold and marble fittings in addition to silver faucets.

Since that time, public infrastructure has evolved, including faucets. For many years, cold and hot water were controlled by separate handles on faucets. Al Moen, a college student, was the one who started the alteration in this design in 1937. In 1937, on a beautiful day, he turned the faucet handle to wash his hands, but the water was too hot and burned them. This inspired him to create a single-handle faucet.

He created several different types of faucets between 1940 and 1945, including one with a double valve and another with a cylindrical design. In the latter half of 1947, he sold his first single handle mixing faucet. By 1959, his invention had been installed in a million American homes and was available in about 55 other nations. Single-handle faucets are common today and are found in around 50% of homes in America.

Al Moen also developed the replaceable cartridge (which did away with washers in the faucets), push-button shower valve diverter, screen aerator, flow control aerator, pressure balancing shower valves, and swivel spray throughout his lifetime. Together with Al Moen, Landis Perry contributed to the development of inventive faucet designs. He created his first faucet ball valve in 1945 with the intention of combining volume control and blending control with a reliable method for sealing valve components. The first time this style was used was by Delta faucets in 1954, according to a 1952 patent (who bought the patent beforehand). In four years, their sales had surpassed a staggering $1 million.

The ceramic water disk was patented by Wolvering Brass around two decades later.
The maintenance fees also for faucets increases gradually each year despite they are evolved or not because some faucets becomes electric and auto close if there is no longer use by the person or even let water be present if you put your hands for washing without pressing anything like classic ones.