The best ways to manage your time while working in IT.


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It can be hard to manage your time while working in IT. You're always juggling multiple projects, deadlines, and other tasks. But there are some steps you can take to make sure that you're getting the most out of your workday.

1. Know what you're doing

Before you can manage your time effectively, you need to know exactly what it is that you're supposed to be doing. It's not enough to have a vague sense of what needs doing; if there's no clear picture of what needs doing, then it will be very difficult to manage your time effectively.

2. Break down tasks into smaller pieces

Once you have a clear idea of what needs doing, break down each task into individual steps and assign them a due date. This allows you to keep track of when each task should be completed so that they don't get forgotten or left hanging!

3. Set up an agenda or to-do list

You don't need a fancy app or spreadsheet to manage your to-do list—you just need a way to keep track of what needs doing and when it needs doing it. Use a calendar on your phone or computer, or even just write out the things you want to get done on paper and put them somewhere visible where you'll see them every day (like on top of the refrigerator).

4. Keep track of how much time each task takes

Some people like to keep track of how long each task takes by writing "10 minutes" next to each task; others prefer keeping track by writing "3 hours" next to each task; both are valid methods for keeping track of how much time a task will take from start to finish. Whatever method works best for you is fine!

3. Take breaks.


VIP Contributor
You know how it is, you're working on a project, and all of a sudden time flies by. You're not even sure what happened. It happens to us all. Here are 4 ways to manage your time better:

1. Put things in perspective

Just because you've been working for 12 hours doesn't mean that it's the end of the world and it doesn't mean that you need to quit your job and start a new career path. Just think about how much fun it would be if we were all able to work 24/7. The reality is that life has its ups and downs, and sometimes it's not easy to balance work with social activities and other responsibilities. But if you can find ways to give yourself grace or make allowances for these things, then you'll be able to stay sane while also making sure your brain stays focused on the task at hand.

2. Don't compare yourself with others

This one might seem obvious, but we hear it all too often from people who are trying their hardest but just can't seem to get ahead in their careers. If your boss comes up with an idea that seems brilliant but nobody else has thought about it, obviously everybody will have different views on the idea, you don't have to be distracted on other people's view. Look for how to better the idea rather than wasting time on other people's view.


VIP Contributor
Managing job for better productivity needs good time management. So you can break down tasks into smaller pieces and set the appropriate time for each to be completed or better still you can
you can break down each task into individual steps and assign them a due date.

This will be that they don't get forgotten or left hanging with passage of time . it allows you to keep track of when or the time each task should be completed