Tesla hold its cryptocurrency assest ahead of inflation.


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The world's richest man and the CEO of Tesla, Elon musk took to the news, explaining that he is not in any way selling is cryptocurrency Holdings anytime soon. He explain that SpaceX and Tesla is facing the challenges of inflation due to the high in the price of commodities and the cryptocurrency Holdings of these big conglomerates would be the best alternative to rescues the situation.

Currently the two companies are holding bitcoin , Ethereum and the dogecoin. In the early hours of yesterday it was his committee that Tesla has over $1.26billion assets in cryptocurrency in its balance sheet. Going forward, the world should embrace cryptocurrency in order to the fight or combat inflation that is ravaging the economies of the world.

The influence of inflation in the world's economy a getting out of hand and there should be a solution to this via the adoption of the bitcoin. This is why the CEO of Tesla never wanted to dispose is cryptocurrency assets anytime soon. Bitcoin is very instrumental in the fight against information because of its limited supply and it was estimated that only 10% of bitcoin is left to be mined in the future in 2140 .
Tesla's decision to hold its cryptocurrency assets ahead of inflation indicates that the company is about to join the ranks of those who see digital currency as a viable hedge against inflation. This is great news for investors, as it means that we could be seeing the start of a new trend where more companies follow suit in protecting their assets against inflation by investing in cryptocurrencies.

Elon Musk has been bullish on Bitcoin since he first started tweeting about it back in 2019, but this latest move makes it clear that his enthusiasm was not just hype and speculation. His faith in Bitcoin has paid off, as Tesla made nearly $1 billion from its investment in 2020 alone—and now they're looking for ways to protect their profits.

This could be just what we need: a company like Tesla taking a risk on cryptocurrency and making money from it, which will encourage others to do the same! With more companies investing in cryptocurrencies, we'll see prices rise while supply stays limited, creating an environment where digital currencies continue growing exponentially over time.

But how did these two companies become so influential? What gives them power over investors? The answer lies within their business models and how they view the world around us today. Both are highly successful companies with strong brands that have been built on solid model.