Taking advantage of Aliexpress to start importation business


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The importation business is when you bring in goods from another country to sell in your county. One country where you can get cheap goods is China. Ali Express is the biggest Chinese e-commerce site. They have lots of sellers for a wide range of products. And they can ship anywhere in the world. With this platform, you can start an importation business.

Let's say you want to import earpieces and sell them in Nigeria. You can find them on Aliexpress at the rate of 100NGN per one. This is equivalent to $0.30 You can make an order for about 50 pieces. That's just 5000NGN which is equivalent to $10. You can negotiate with the seller for a reduced shipping cost since the quantity is much. Some sellers even offer free shipping but I don't like it. My friend paid 2500NGN for shipping 50 pieces of the earpiece. That's about $5. That brings the landing cost to about 7500NGN. That's about $15. If you sell at 300NGN per earpiece, you would be making double of the purchase cost + landing cost of the product.

This could be a very profitable venture