Step for product design


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product design is the process of committing the organizations resources by transforming production idea on paper into a physical product shape or state. The information source for designing a product must emanate from marketing department and discussed with other relevant department that are involved in discussed with other relevant department that are involved in ensuring that the idea becomes a reality. It is the marketing department that knows exactly what the customer need in terms of product and any attempt foe the production department to impose their own idea on the marketing department to market the product may not sale. And it is the production manager that coordinate the activities to ensure that market product is manufactured. The product passes through some major stages which includes :

Idea generation :

The idea of the product to be manufacture can emanate from within or outside of the organization. The idea cab not be adopted immediately without serious screening. The screening will be based on certain criteria established by the company.

Preliminary design:

At this stage, the product idea on paper is translated into a physical sample of the product or a model of it is developed. The model put up must recognize the detailed specification given. Several tests will be run to determine the work ability of the production process.

Manufacture of improved product:

This production stage ensures that the final correction and other tech