Staying financially stable after retirement.


Majority of individuals are finding it hard to stay financially stable after retirement from their respective jobs and careers, this is possible because they refuse to plan ahead of time on how they would have a better retirement days. As unemployed individuals in a particular business organisation or commercial Enterprise it is needful for you to understand that one day you would retire. And so for you to have a good retirement days you must endeavour to plan ahead of time. Planning ahead of time in order to have a good retirement days could involve saving and investing money, and possibly after retirement you could use the money that you have saved to establish an offline business where you could generate revenue in order to stay financially stable from time to time. The money you have possibly invest on any legit investment platform online could help you to make more money and also stay financially stable.

Being broke and poor during retirement can totally be a very critical situation, however to prevent and avoid this and individual need to plan for better retirement days. There is currently no designated amount of money from your income that should be allocated for retirement planning, but what is advised is that amount of money you designate must be a reasonable value and amount.


VIP Contributor
It is absolutely very much important that an individual stay financially stable after retirement. Despite how important is we cannot neglect the many majority of people who are never financially stable even after retirement from their various jobs and careers. One of the possible reasons why majority of individuals lack financial stability after retirement is possibly because they have placed high hopes on pension funds after retirement. We need to understand that pension funds may not be a reasonable amount and may not be forthcoming just like our salaries and wages were during our jobs and career days.

However, for an individual to have a satisfying retirement days he or she must endeavour to plan very well and very early for it. Between age 40 to late 50s it is advisable for an individual to start then to plan for retirement and the reason is because this is usually the time in which an individual is more tudious and more involved in his or her job or career.


Active member
Financial stability after retirement is a result of the proper planning made years back during your working days.
Alot of people fall victim and go broke after retirement because they centered all hope on pension and gratuity, which many not come for a very long time, pensions may not come continuously as salaries during your working days, and the money may not be as heavy as salaries.

For anyone to be financially free and stable, he/she must have done something good and profiting during working days, savings might not only be the money in you have in your account, your savings might be the investment you established to help generate funds either for more investment or your upkeep.