Social Media Distraction And The Effect On Your Finance


Social media is a distraction from your financial goals.

The average person spends almost 4 hours per day on social media, and that's just for the first two weeks of January. It can be hard to get back on track with your finances when you're constantly checking your phone or scrolling through newsfeeds. You might think you're saving money by staying off social media, but in reality, you're just spending more time watching YouTube videos about how to save money.

The best way to get back on track with your finances is by taking small steps. Instead of saying "I'm going to stop using Facebook" and then never doing it, make sure that after every hour spent on Facebook, there's an hour spent on personal finance-related tasks like reading personal finance books or doing research online. The benefits are huge: You'll save time and money by not getting sucked into social media, and you'll learn more about how to make better decisions in your life.