Slot Rush app, legit or Scam?


Valued Contributor
I came across an app called Slot Rush where you are suppose to earn cash rewards by playing slot machine games. But there are few things you need to know before dipping your toe into it. First, you'll be given 30,000 free gold coins which you can use for placing bets. You just have to tap the Spin button to activate the slot machine. The bet you'll place will be deducted from your 30,000 coins. If you wish to unlock more section and increase your bet, you'll need 45,000 coins, which is also the maximum you can bet.

Most of the time you won't be winning anything. Only a few time you might win some coins or more spinning points. It's also hard to figure out the winning combinations. The biggest problem comes here, you can't withdraw your earned coins with this app. The app does say it's still in "Early access", so maybe they haven't created withdrawal yet.


Valued Contributor
First of all what is the monetary value of 30,000 coins or 45,000 coins? Second, does the site is monetizing from the offerwalls or the surveys or offering free coins? Third, is there any deposit money option or ads? So you need to clarify all these points @Nite.