Sleep disorder


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Sleep disorder are conditions that prevent you from having enough sleep as a result causes daytime sleepiness and other certain symptoms
It is important to sleep for like 66 hours per night on weekdays and 7 hours on weekends because not getting enough sleep can lead to feeling tired and it can also lead to learning disabilities in children. People who don't sleep well have difficulties in making decisions, irritability and slower reaction times, sleep lose can also result in heart disease and diabetes.
Sleep disorders can be caused by
1. Physical (like ulcer)
2. Environmental (like alchol)
3. Aging( most adults do have sleep disorders but it is not sure if it is normal part of aging or not
4. Medical ( like asthma)
Sleep is one of the natural antidote one can even think of. It is important for us to sleep bit only well but soundly to improve our health and increase the rate of metabolism and enhance the ways the brisk functions. That's why we need to combat any thing that may want to cause sleeping disorder in us.
We should always make we get enough sleep so that we can be healthy because sleep deprivation causes a lot of illness to our health
When you have some kind of illness in the body it always causes sleep disorder that is why it is good to get treated faster before those illness start to cause illness to the body
Sleep disorder is caused when you are not able to sleep due to some things or sickness like headache, stomach pian etc
Sleep disorder is very bad because it can damage the brain if care is not taken. Whenever one is noticing that he /she can not sleep the best things to do is to seek medical advice at the right time.

Though there are some people that do look for some remedy like using drug to sleep and some of this so call drug can as well affect the brain negatively.
Sleep disorder can be due to certain unlikely changes in the body which makes your body not to function well and cause sleep disorder