Selling digital products as a passive income.


New member
I believe that the most profitable income souse which is also can be taken as passive income stream is selling digital products. The interesting fact fact is we have to give up our effort in single time only and we can repeat it again and again. I think it can be cataloger as passive income. Followings are few "selling digital products" ideas that comes to my mind.

1) Selling eBooks - This might be the most abundant idea that can be practice. The hard working is writing something on relevant subject and setup the marketing tools properly. There are so many selling platforms in the Internet like ebay, Amazome, etc.

2) Selling arts - A one who has the ability to design something this may the best one. Thousands of platforms there for this purpose.

3) Selling online/digital courses - You can sell then on udemy . With the advent of corona this concept made thousands of dollars.

4) Selling NFTS - NFT is the most profitable one came into the internet marketing field recently.
Not only NFTs but cryptocurrencies, in general, are a good way to make yourself a pretty good passive income. The market is full of various projects one of them will surely suit you.
In order to generate income by selling digital items, you need skills to create these items. For example, if you want to sell ebooks you need writing skills, if you want to sell NFTs, you need skills to create NFTs. If you don't have skills, you can hire someone to create digital products for you and you can acquire the rights to sell. Just because you have a digital product does not mean selling is easy. I have published a couple of NFTs on OpenSea, the world's biggest open marketplace for NFTs. I have not sold a single NFT. I have also published a book through KDP, it has been over 6 months since the book has been able for sale on Amazon, but until now I have sold only 5 copies and all 5 buyers were my friends and family. I have also listed my digital art on Fine Art America but no sales for me.