Saving money


New member
Saving money is also a attitude of determination in mans life many people does not develop the attitude of saving money
I realize that it is good to save money either for financial purpose or personal income
Once a man has the ability to work very hard and save from the little they are earning it later helps many people bcoz that business they are engaging in is just for a main time whenever they don't have the capacity and ability to work for s living again anything they have in saving will help help them maybe like buying of food stuffs clothing and so on


Active member
Every individual of working class with a future in mind, or a plan to be successful in life must know that is important to save money as you work. Saving money means keeping extras, or keeping aside some money after removing money for your necessities and keeping them for the future.

Saving money is not an easy task most especially when you aren't earning much to keep some away but it is for the best, you get to enjoy the fruit of it later in the future.

People save money for many reasons, some save because of an item, maybe personal belongings, accessories, or to purchase something of real great value. Some save to pay for rent, for school fees, some save for their children's future, some save for emergencies, some save to start up a business, some save for ceremonies, Marriage, e.t.c.

There are different ways to save money, you can save in the bank a savings account, in a piggy bank, by doing contribution and in other ways.

When saving money for the future one needs to be discipline enough to not make use of the money before the time. If you want to have a good saving you need to cut down your spendings and make sure to go for your needs not just your wants.