Save money when you're with friends


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When we're with our friends is always fun. While enjoying the good time with friends, we should also consider saving our money and avoid unnecessary spending.

What are some of the things we should do to save our money when we're with friends?

Budget: Before leaving our house to meet our friends we're we'll catch fun, we must create our personal budget. What do i mean by creating personal budget? We must know how much we'll spend there when we're with them and stick to it.

Peer pressure: We shouldn't allow peer pressure to push us spending what we didn't plan to, we must buy what we can afford to pay so as to save our money and avoid unnecessary debts.

Following these 2 tips, you'll definitely save your money when you're with friends.
Very true, while having fun, unknowingly you can spend beyond what's normal, because at times you won't be able to calculate your disbursement, you just buy an enjoy with your friends to put smile on Thier faces.
It's a good good thing though, but without being careful that can cancel your budget, and it can also bring to you more sorrow.
One things we need to do is.
1. Fixed a limit: by fixing a limit of money you are going to spend in event or lunch, weather entertainment,or anything else may help you do everything according to your plan.
An you will be able to control your expenses, not to spend beyond what's normal