Shares/Stock Russia Bank asks Stock exchanges not to lost crypto firm


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The rate at which cryptocurrency is growing in the world is something of interest to many people, and most of these firm have ventured into offering Stock to interested persons. Coinbase for example offers people an opportunity to be part of the company by buying stocks.

News gathered from cointelegraph has revealed that the Bank of Russia has warned it's local stock exchanges not list the stock of any cryptocurrency related firm. This came as a surprise to many stock lovers who have plans to invest in cryptocurrency through stock.

Reason could be traced to the fact that government of some countries are not comfortable with cryptocurrency and as such won't want to see their stock listed in their local stock exchanges as this might encourage the citizens to invest in cryptocurrency.

Do you think that this is a sign that Russia as a country is planning on banning any cryptocurrency related investment in the country? , Do you see anything wrong in stock exchanges listing stocks of cryptocurrency firms ?
I don't understand how stocks can be connected to crypto coin. That is not clear to me because stocks are the certificate of ownership of a corporation that is a member of the stock exchange center. How can a firm be related to crypto is out of my comprehension. I didn't know that companies are already investing in crypto coin.
The only crypto company that I know has been listed in the stock market is Coinbase. I do not know of any other crypto company that is listed on the stock market. IN order to get listed on the stock market a company needs to get approval from the government. Once approved, then it can release IPO shares for public investment.

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