
The role of government in the economic well being of citizen cannot be over emphasized. Government role is very crucial to the extent that they determine the life and death of the people they are leading in their nation.
Primarily the role of government is to ensure the welfarism of the citizens are well guaranteed.

Social amenities like good roads, good water, kitchree transportation system, consistent energy supply and host of other numerous responsibilities of government will definitely contribute or determine the success or failure of citizens economic and financial sustenance aspirations.

How can citizens of a country get rich without having encouragement for investment and production. In a situation when someone has a blue print for business but the nation is lacking good administration on power supply and good road, how can such a person be successful. It means going into such a business will be a very high risk.

This is because when someone produces with a very high cost of production when there is no adequate power supply and the means of transporting the goods to the needy in the market.

There is a nation that are producing millions of youth on a yearly basis without being able to utilize the them for nation development, A lot of youth in this nation are roaming about the street without job. Most of the youth are either unemployed or under employed.

Many Youths in this nation i am talking about have resulted to what they refer to as yahoo ( Cyber crimes) . It is very sad that in the nation the rate of capital flight is vert alarming to the level that medical doctors and other professional are looking for ways to move out of the country.

The rate of Basic amenities in the market had skyrocketed to the extent that citizen cannot take three square meal.

The worst part of it is that the Local government allocation
The worst part of it is that Local government allocation that is expected to be for the grass root at the local government level are being diverted by the state leaders in this nation i am talking about .

It is until the government of a nation is ready to run the affairs of the country in a global acceptable practice where there action and inaction will be subjected to criticism ready for change when they go wrong.

With this the economic condition of the citizens can be improved and people will be making money for personal and national development.