Right time to create your own company


Active member
First, you need to surround yourself with talented and trustworthy people. It's easier to keep big commitments when you're around people you trust and like.

Then you have to make sure that your business or idea has a place in the market and a product or service that is different enough to attract customers. Our companies have to be innovative, maintain a certain quality, be financially attractive, and have a sense of fun.
Time is also important, when almost everything costs 50% or 90% less than it is worth during good times, it is a good sign to start. Often a large number of highly qualified personnel are in the market and the competition has their eyes on internal affairs.
People often blame economic conditions or lack of funding from banks as the main reasons for the failure of smaller companies to prosper. Sure, banks need to keep credit flowing for startups and governments need to cut red tape, but above all, entrepreneurs need to take responsibility and keep their businesses going. A good business idea takes hard work, determination, and a little luck to be successful.
Business is not a child's play it need a good business plan, it also needs good financial back up do as much as possible to stay away from obtaining a loan to start a business, you also have to look for a good suitable location for the business, have a good name for the business and also establish an online presence for the business and register the business.
Before one created or start a business there are some things you need to put in to consideration.
(1) Make a good research about the business you wanted to do.
(2) look at the place you wanted to put your company.
(3) The product of goods that will be selling there.
(4) The people that will be working for you.
(5),The resource that will be available to execute the project.
For me, the right time to open a business is when you have the 2 most important elements for a business owner. First is the sufficient capital that will kick start the business. The other element is the knowledge of the business and that is mainly the operation plus the suppliers and the customer base. Knowledge on those items will do you good and lack of it can make you fail.
I don't think there is a right age to open a company.there are many things you have to put into consideration before opening a company.A company is not just something you could just think of and immediately open"bankruptcy is real"I. think managing human resources is most difficult because human being are generally sturbborn
There is no age that is specify for you to start your own business... All that must be know is that are you mentally prepared for the palaver that arise as a business owner... Are you prepared to take in the lose,failure and defeat that occurs once in a while I'm business and are you mentally prepared to rise from the fall... And then preparing your mind to be unwavering.... Preparing you mind not to be influenced by nobody.
In my opinion, right time to start your own company when you are well aware of understanding of the working of company. And, the best possible way which people can do that going into the job sector as a job seeker. Look, people may achieve the dreams of a successful business without doing that but for more chances it's better to do that way.