Repercussions of delaying the salaries of your business employees.


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There is actually no one that love to work so as to make money , but in the end he or she never get paid for the work that he or she has carried out . Now picture yourself in a business organisation managed and controlled by a particular business manager or business owner . And after you being the employee or worker in such business organisation have finished trying your best to see that the business organisations goals and objectives have been achieved as a result of the task and the duties being assigned to you being well carried out but at the end we did not get compensated or paid . Such a scenario is actually very devastating and disappointful . It is actually very bad as a business owner to delay the salaries of your employees because you are slowly killing their motivation and also their respect for you .

Even if the money is not there to pay them you should try as much as possible to make them understand that you will pay them but not now . You must endeavour to keep to the date in which you have set aside to pay them their salaries because if you do not keep to the exact date there is every possibility that majority of them may even sign up for a retirement or for a termination of contract as an employee in the business organisation which is definitely what you do not want .

Bard Racheal

Active member
 Everyone has his or her reasons to why they engage in one work or the other.
Workers work to fend for themselves.

If you know the good effect of employees to our business, you should be able to know how to make them comfortable with working with you.

If you are erecting a business, you are to know that you will have employees, you should also know that you must be able to meet up with the payment of those employees.

No one expects to work without having his wages intact, in handy and immediately he or she is done with the task they are assigned to.

The salaries of those employees is the encouragement given to them by their employer.

So that,if they are not been paid in time,it will be a problem, and will aswell affect your business immensely.

Payment of salaries to employees in time,is mostly rampant in those business organizations where the employees are indeed much, and the clients seem to be fewer.

This will make the employer not to cope with the payment of his or her employees salary on time.

The effect of this situation can cause the laziness of those workers, and if the situation is not been taken care of early,as time is running out,some of them may decide to leave.

And your money may not hold them back to you.


VIP Contributor
Some business employees and staffs work so hard so that the goals and objectives of the business organisation in which they work in could be achieved successfully and effectively I'm so it wouldn't be a nice and sensible thing if their employer or possibly the individual who they work for does not compensate them well or even compensate them as agreed . In a business organisation owned and managed by a business manager or a business owner that also have employees working under him so as to make sure that productivity in the business organisation is in full Force so that business goals and objective could be achieved each blessed day , the business manager all the business owner must endeavour to compensate and pay his or her employees of stars they are salaries as agreed so that he can still keep the flame of motivation burning inside of them .

Even on a normal day an employee must show some sort of gratefulness and appreciation for a job carried perfectly by a particular employee he can even elevate the employee so as to student who encourage the motivation of other employees so that business goals and objective could be equitably achieved and accomplished .


VIP Contributor
When it comes to paying your employees, it's important to remember that these are not just numbers on a spreadsheet. They are the people who keep your business running.

These are the folks who answer your phones and write your emails, who sell your products and keep your workspace clean, who fix your computers and tally up your expenses if you're lucky, maybe even all of these things. And if you're like most businesses, you probably couldn't get far without them.

It's crucial to remember that each employee is a person with bills and debts of their own, as well as other commitments they've made. Delayed payments can cause major problems for them and, in turn, for you. If they don't get paid when they need to be paid, they can start missing their own payments: rent or mortgage, credit card debt, car payments, student loans… the list goes on and on.

Any one of these missed payments can cause an employee's credit score to suffer and a bad credit score means more than just paying higher interest rates on loans. It can impact someone's ability to secure a loan at all or even rent an apartment. In short? Your employees' financial health is tied directly to yours. When they are disturbed your business is disturbed and shaky. When you sack them, you pay their bills and spend more money and time trying to get someone else who might not even be as loyal after all the trainings.


VIP Contributor
I don't like to work anywhere that the business owner delay the salaries of staff. Because this act alone will surely kill the motivation to work. I'm one person that try to give my best to the jobs I'm doing but if you treat me unfairly I don't hesitate to leave the job for you. Employers need to find a way of paying workers on time. If you do not have the money to pay or go round for all workers then disengage some or slash the pay


Valued Contributor
When you delay the salaries of your staff, you are risking the loyalty of your staff. They would start stealing from the business and making the business run at a loss.

As a business person, from the day you pay the last salary, you should start planning for the next one. I won't stand a business that would owe me a day's salary. I would dump them as the slightest opportunity.

It is ethical that business owners know that staff have plans and bills to pay too. If they can't pay their bills on time, how would they be motivated to work hard and give their all?


VIP Contributor
Yes No one wants to work without having his wages paid and immediately as when due or after being done with the task they are assigned to. So employers need to always seetp this .

Paying the salaries of these employees is the encouragement you would be giving to them to even do more. Employees will always do their jobs better when they get their pay in time or else your job will begin to suffer as they wouldn't do the job to the best of their abilities.