Regular Job Vs. Freelancing


VIP Contributor
Based on my experience, I am sharing the pros and cons of a job versus freelancing.

Job gives you financial security, however, jobs also limit you from earning more. When you are positioned on the job, you have to abide by the job contract and cannot work on a side hustle. Regular jobs will hardly allow you to do side hustle. However, as a freelancer, you can work on multiple jobs and build multiple income streams.

If you want to enter a job market, you need education, you need a degree. However, when you are a freelancer, all you need are skills. As long as you have the skills to d something, you are good to go as a freelancer.

When you have a job you cannot explore other things, you will have to do what you were hired for. But as a freelancer, you can explore a lot of things. Freelancing helps you to reinvent yourself. You will never know your true potential until you challenge yourself to do something new.
This is just one of the reasons so many people are not particularly interested in getting offline employment , reasons is because the offline employment will just make them miss so many opportunities to make money.
Well in the case of freelancing , it is much more easier in the sense that there are some people that are doing their freelancing business part-time without it affecting their offline jobs.

For me , I have so many business in my mind that I am interested to do and if I have opportunity to engage in freelancing I'll definitely make it to be the type of business to do on spare time because I will also likes to do an offline business depending on the type of business I am interested to do. I have to also consider my location because all those things must be put into consideration.

But anyone that is just interested to work offline for someone or government should understand that they may not have opportunity to explore any
other new opportunities offline because you will mostly concentrate in the type of jobs in you are doing but for online business you may have opportunities to attempt since in most cases you can do it on free time .
Regular jobs require you to have academic qualification. When you apply for a job you will be required to submit your resume where you will have to list your academic qualification. Some jobs require you to have high level degree (for example, you need masters’ degree if you want to become a teacher); some jobs require you to have education in relevant field, for example, if you want to work as journalist, you are required to have a degree in mass media and journalism. If you do not have education, you will end up being low paid workers like a watchman, a dishwasher, etc. Well some jobs require you to have skills more than education for instance, if you want to work in a restaurant kitchen, you are required to have culinary skills, nevertheless, you are still required to have some basic education. However, freelancing is all about having professional level skills on the relevant field. For example, if you want to work as a website designer, it does not matter whether you are just a high school graduate or a college dropout, what actually matter is whether you can actually design a website or not. In order to become a freelancer, you need skills and not education.
The biggest thing you have to understand is that a job gives you stability. You get hired by someone and in most places you get trained at the job, so you really don't have to put in any effort at all except maybe just looking for that job and getting everything ready to get hired. While as a freelancer you pretty much have to do everything on your own. You'll have to prepare your own work, find your own clients, pay your own taxes, manage your own time, and have the discipline to work from anywhere. In addition to that you will have to spend your free time learning a certain skill in order to become a freelancer, otherwise why would other people pay you? So becoming a freelancer is not as easy as one might think and that's why most people are more comfortable remaining at their regular job
For me, I prefer online jobs as a tech savvy person. Online jobs is not easy though. It requires being physically healthy in order to be able to work online is absolutely true. I remember the time I was really sick. I really felt like coming online to work but I couldn't do anything. I could not even hold my phone. It is important to take care of your physical health if you want to work online. Also, you need to take care of your mental health for online work. Your mind has to be in a good emotional state.
For me, I only do online jobs that require effort and creativity on my part. I don't do the ones that require I invest any amount of money apart from data subscriptions. Some offline jobs are not worth it at all. If you put on the time you put on some offline jobs into online jobs on a steady, it can pay the same amount offline jobs pay you and even more.