Reasons Why Dandruff Happens


Dandruff is a common condition in which your scalp develops small, dry white flakes. It can be caused by a number of things, like poor hygiene, dry skin, or a lack of moisture in general.

Reasons For Dandruff

There are many reasons why dandruff happens:

* Lack of shampooing will cause dandruff to develop on your scalp. This can happen if you have long hair and don't wash it often enough.

* If you are suffering from dry skin, your skin will get cracks and crevices that allow dirt to settle into it. The result is that you will see dandruff appearing on your scalp over time.

* If you use too much shampoo or soap on your hair, then those chemicals will dry out your scalp and cause dandruff to appear more often than usual.

* You might have an underlying medical condition such as eczema or psoriasis that causes red patches on your scalp where dandruff would normally appear if not treated properly!