
Investment in real Estate is what everyone is aiming at in my country. This is due to the fact that it is one of the profitable business that is quick to be converted to cash
In actual fact, wealthy people are now moving into the business in mass.
This is because the investment is of low risk in as much the can get all the required papers with a competent legal practitioner, it is safe to go into.
Those that deal with land acquisition for resale are doing it in multitude. They
Buy land in hectares, acres at cheap rate in the rural areas after a year the rural area would have developed. They will start selling plot of land at rate In arms length Price.

One of the disadvantage of this is that the good land that is expected to be preserved for farm land has been sold for building construction purpose.

It will reach a time that my country will start having food production problem because love of money has made us to be disposing our great food security assets for money