Pursuing A Career As A Salesman Can Be A Tough Decision: Do You Agree?


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Being a salesman is one of the toughest jobs out there. There are many kinds of salesman. Some salesmen work at shops and malls. However, I am actually talking about salesman who goes door to door and tries to sell stuff. It can be a difficult job because you have to roam around here and there physically. Moreover, you might also face customers who get angry at you for pursuing them a lot and kind of pressurizing them to buy your stuff. I have seen many such kind of salesmen roaming in streets and they mostly belong to poor families who have no choice but to opt for this career. I have also been such a situation when such kind of job was offered to me, but I quite immediately because it was not for me. Have you ever been in such a situation?
This is one of the jobs I don't see myself doing ever because consumes a lot of time and end of the day you will not get any reasonable amount of money as a pay. I know many people who have ventured into sales businesses and they always spend a lot of their time on the job and they don't really get a lot of pay. it is better I use that time to start my own business and grow it.
It's indeed a strenuous job. I saw a lady couple of minutes ago , going from house to house to market a solar gadget. It's a job I will never go into . When I ask the girl the amount she collects for the job, she said, the payment is based on commission and that the amount she collects depend on the number of sales she made
I had a very high grade in our salesmanship subject in college. However, I have to admit that a salesman to be good should be an extrovert aside from being talkative in the positive sense. I am an introvert and I do not have the guts to approach strangers to promote my business. A salesman's job is not easy.
I know like the sale job of moving from one house to another, unless it is a personal job then I can try it for another person I doubt I have ever do it. Maybe if the commission is worth it. But I see mostly young men doing this but they don’t last on it