Properly and effectively using business assets and properties.


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Some business organisations mostly industrial and manufacturing base business organisations cannot make productivity and business outcome an output without the involvement of business machines and equipments . Example a bread factory cannot make productivity and income without the existence of an oven machine or equipment which is basically used for the baking of the bread and other confectioneries . Whatever type of industrial or manufacturing based business it is one thing we must understanding is that the existence of machines and equipment is definitely involved for the production of goods and services in order to meet the various and majority needs and wants of members of the public . With that being said , it totally does not mean that we can only stock our business structure with a whole lot of machines and equipment and use them recklessly and without questions because that will absolutely make our business incur so much depreciation within a short period of time that is why it is 100-percent advise that we use the right business machine for the right purpose and for the right time in order to make it last longer and last the test of time more than expected .

When business machines and equipment are used for the wrong purpose also accomplished the wrong task what is likely to happen is the damaging of the machine or equipment . It is also advise that when a particular business machine starts to misbehave it should be properly check in other for the damage not to accumulate into an irreparable one .
I totally agree with you that some business organisations cannot make output without the involvement of machines and equipments but sometimes they recklessly use these machines and equipment possibly using it for purposes that are not good for the machine that is they used to mission to accomplish proposes that the machine is basically not designed and made to accomplish . In order to sufficiently and effectively use your business machines and equipment in order to make them last longer so as not to include on necessary business depreciations in equipment you must endeavour to use your machines for the right purpose and for the right activity .

Also a business organisation that is also industrialized in some ways may possibly encounter faulty machines but the ability for the machines faultiness not to be prolonged it is advised that you service the machine possibly within a particular amount of days or at the end of a week in order to make sure that your business machines and equipment are kept in the best position possible so as to accomplish business goals and objectives we are the process of producing business output as expected and as planned by the business organisation .