Profitable businesses available to college students


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As a college student who want to be independent and earn some cash to purchase books and materials, I believe the opportunity in a college environment is vast.
You can start your own cleaning company. Yes! This is really easy in a college environment you have people who want to move in to a new apartment or lodge you can offer to help them clean and tidy up their rooms for those who won't have time or the energy to go through this process of making a new apartment or lodge conducive for living and get paid for it, easy right?
With just a few cleaning equipment you can start your own company in college and make money from your free time .
If what you mean to earn money by a college student is to do odd jobs then you can try baby sitting. That is the most common part time job when I was in the US. A baby sitter is usually hired when the parents would go for a night our like dinner or movies that the baby sitter is paid for 4 to 5 hours. Sometimes they are hired for the whole day on weekends.