Productivity improvement factors


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For production to be efficient and produce the desired result, there are some factors that influence it. Productivity improvement is therefore concerned with doing the right things in the production department better. Basically, there are two factors that influence productivity and they are external and internal factors.

External factors are those factors that are not within the control of production manager. These factors sometimes are described as mark productivity factors like tax policy, labour legislations, social infrastructure, price policy etc. These are factors that the organization has no control over.
However, it must be stressed that what constitute an external factors to one firm could be an internal factor to another institution. For example the above factors classified as external factors to a producing form are consider as internal factors to the government because she can manipulate them to suit their objective stang time.

Internal factors are those factors that are within the control of production manger and can be manipulated at will. However, these factors can be classified into two encapsulating hard and soft factors