One seemingly reason of business bankruptcy.


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There is actually one seemingly reason why majority of businesses today go bankrupt but sometimes it is absolutely very hard to spot out this reason and in other situations the reasons are always crystal clear but yet so seemingly to spot out . One of those reasons is usually known as a result of poor business documentation . By mentioning business documentation , what we are trying to talk about here is that business activities and business processes are not properly documented and because of these business owners are not able to track their business incomes and the business losses . It is absolutely very sad and never congratulated to see how majority of business owners do not see it as a very important thing for their business activities and practices to be well-documented . Personally I believe the documentation of business activities and processes absolutely go a long way to keep business activities and practices on track because when you know how far your business is doing when it comes to monetary affairs , the business will absolutely prosper and succeed .

The business documentation of a particular business organisation could be carried out by the business owner himself but the majority of situation it could be carried out by an employed worker of the business organisation . Whatever the case maybe what is absolutely paramount is that business figures should be accurately recorded and there is no area restricted when it comes to proper recording of accounts .


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An individual May first to say that the only thing that cause business bankruptcy is poor management and for funds facilitation but to be very sincere the answers to this course of business bankruptcy is only talking about the outside aspect but particularly the most seemingly reason why business go bankrupt and even go liquidated today is as a result of poor business activities and transaction documentation . In other words that has to do with the bookkeeping and accounting sector of the business organisation , and it is particularly so sad to see that majority of prominent businesses that we know today that have gone bankrupt and even the liquidated fell to put into proper consideration the importance of business bookkeeping and business accounting and because of this the business has gone bankrupt and even liquidated .

When business data and transactions I properly documented in the right book of account the business organisation will be able to track its businesses and business profit and it will also be able to analyse or absolutely loss even without knowing . The business documentation is really analyse at the end of every business here but in some organisations it is analyse weekly or monthly anyways whatever the case maybe , it is advised that the business endeavours to practice bookkeeping and accounting .


Valued Contributor
I also believe that poor business documentation could be the reason why so many business are not succeeding . A lot of business are being done blindly and every progress and loss of the business are not being recorded for the business management to know when to adjust or to give a clear indication of where the business is heading to..

Another possible reason why some businesses may experience failure is that certain business do not really know what they want in the sense that their rules and regulations are not taken serious. A lot of business could break their rules and gives goods or services on credit to people even when they understand that such could leads to business collapse and setback. .

When all these things happen in business , client and other business partner will know that such business is not really serious and this alone could possibly leads to business failure and bankruptcy.