One Of the best marketing strategy for startups?

This I believe should be the first and its to Be sure that you have product fit the market you're into: This will actually depend on ya niche. Take your time and do some research on your market and your competitors to understand if there is opportunity for you and your business to pitch in. And maybe you've already created a product after doing some research you might actually ser that you might have to make certain tweaks in the product or offering or idea in order to attract the right people.
If the start-up is geared towards helping the community, it might succeed at an early age. Actually, things like working for the community, helping the community, etc. are marketing strategies for the companies that give them free publicity. Let say the start up is launching its product by distributing the products to a community, there will be free media coverage
The most important factor is to have a very good product you are trying to put in the market and also look forward to prospect.y our products must be marketable and also have good structure and package to be able to impress people in the market and you must also have a very good marketing skills which is very important in every trade.