Earn Money Need Helps



Good day,
Here is my story,I spent like 6 months searching the Internet for a way to make money online.I dont know if this is the right platform for me to be asking this question.I tried everything but to no avail.My name is Halim ,I am 31.It hasnt been easy for us,things have been tough hence the need to find some other income streams.

if anyone knows a way to make such money online can you please advice.I am ready to work as hard as I can because my family is ineed.
Thank you.
Good day,
Here is my story,I spent like 6 months searching the Internet for a way to make money online.I dont know if this is the right platform for me to be asking this question.I tried everything but to no avail.My name is Halim ,I am 31.It hasnt been easy for us,things have been tough hence the need to find some other income streams.

if anyone knows a way to make such money online can you please advice.I am ready to work as hard as I can because my family is ineed.
Thank you.
Yes, Halim I think I can help you to make money online
Welcome Mr. Hakim, and I wish you the best on this thread. I don't know the thread that you have worked on before but I am very sure you will leave them all for this. You won't just be tired of having more than enough in terms of money and information.
Learning a very good skill is one very good way to start your online earning career. You should look about the talents that you have like whether you have writing skills or critical thinking skills m and depending on that you can decide to learn other graphic design or basic computer programming.
Hi Halin, I can relate to your story and circumstances I was in that situation once.
There are different ways of earning money online and it depends on different factors such as, your skill, amount you desire to earn and the amount of work you are willing to put into earning the money.
The best place to start is assessing what you are naturally good at and what come easy to you (when it comes to learning).
It is far easier to enhance what you already have than starting from scratch.
The second question you need to answer is the tools you will need to have in order to execute the tasks that will give you money, e.g. a decent computer, stable internet connection and time.
Thirdly you need to determine which website or app will provide you with the best rates for the job or task you will be executing.
As a start you can consider website like Fiver and Pico workers.
You shouldn't have just search online for how you can make money if you do not have any skills to offer because it is going to be very difficult. Most people who are making a steady source of income online have one skills to offer, so generally before you can think of making money online you need to learn a skill and become expert in it.