Nailing Remote Interviews: Video Chat & Call Success Strategies


Hiring stages increasingly rely on tech-mediated meetings allowing pace and convenience desired in modern recruiting. While remote interviews simplify scheduling, mastering screen presence and etiquette differences requires adjustment. Set yourself up for stellar first impressions on video calls or phone using these prime virtual interview tips.

Fine Tune Your Backdrop
Eliminate visual distractions by selecting a quiet, private neutral area to talk avoiding busy common spaces. Frame shots to feature a plain wall ensuring you remain the focal point. Adjust lighting eliminating glare or shadows so facial expressions get interpreted properly through technology mediums.

Prep Equipment & Connections
Close unneeded programs and browser tabs on meeting devices to direct processing power and bandwidth maximizing video call performance. Silence notifications momentarily avoiding unwanted disruptions mid-discussion. Connect chargers or position extra batteries to prevent power loss surprises.

Practice Responses Aloud
Verbalizing answers enhances fluidity since in-person visual cues get removed over video and calls strictly rely on the audio. Build confidence nailing down phrasing and prompt examples you wish to highlight so articulation sounds assured once in the live hot seat with less opportunity to analyze body language signals.

Over Prepare Questions
Without organic conversational segues, virtual interviews feel more stiff. Having thoughtful queries prepared about company culture, development programs or management styles helps steer dialogue while displaying genuine engagement. Extra options prevent scramble if topics get addressed preemptively.

Remote meetings allow talent access beyond geography but still require concerted efforts honing environs, equipment and vocal tones for ideal interactions on screen or over phone lines. Implement these techniques in advance to present your best self whether cameras start rolling or call lines open!