Money Changer Business


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The money changer business is a kind of popular business in Africa especially in Nigeria. This business is done by people who know how to calculate money and the ones who understand how and when people need money.
The money changer business is a business in which the individual exchanges one currency for the other. It depends on the type of currency it is. Some people exchange naira for dollar, some people exchange pounds for dollar and so many more.

This business is normally done in the bank but some people do not like to go through the stress of going to bank to change the money so they always patronize these kind of people but it is quite unfortunate that they charge them higher than what banks will charge them because those people still need to deposit the money in the bank.

Also, some of these money changers receive transfers in their bank accounts and they give those people cash which mostly happens at parties. A lot of people love to spray minted notes at party so they patronize those people and they make money very well from it because they charge the customers high

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