Making money or managing money, which one is harder?


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Often times we get carried away on making money, some people will work until their old age, making salaries or business profits, but at the end they have nothing to show for it, that is they've mismanaged their money even though they have made a lot.

In my opinion managing money is harder than making money because almost everyone have a job or small business, it might be small or low salary or small business but most people have a way of making money.

But not everyone can manage the little resources and multiply it till he/sje become financially free or independent hence dwelling in the loop of poor financial decisions.

What do you think is harder and why?


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Well, I do think that the former is actually harder than the later. Meaning that it is really hard to make start making money from level zero than to manage and expand already made wealth.
There is a saying that you can only use money to make more money and if don't have money initially then it will be very difficult for one to make more from the scratch. Even though it seems you can earn from working on posting forums without making any deposits, but the money you realize from working here wouldn't be enough to sustain you as an independent individual.
But when you have already made cash, but plans to manage or expand it then it will be lot more easier


VIP Contributor
Well, I do think that the former is actually harder than the later. Meaning that it is really hard to make start making money from level zero than to manage and expand already made wealth.
There is a saying that you can only use money to make more money and if don't have money initially then it will be very difficult for one to make more from the scratch. Even though it seems you can earn from working on posting forums without making any deposits, but the money you realize from working here wouldn't be enough to sustain you as an independent individual.
But when you have already made cash, but plans to manage or expand it then it will be lot more easier
I understand your own point of view, but most wealthy started out with basically just crumbs but because they managed their income and delayed gratification they were able to multiply and become who they are


Verified member
I understand your own point of view, but most wealthy started out with basically just crumbs but because they managed their income and delayed gratification they were able to multiply and become who they are
Yeah, I do understand your point anyway. There are those who started from scratch and now they are really famous and wealthy, I wasn't trying to say it was impossible but it will be a lot more harder to make money from scratch than to expand already made wealth.
Someone from a poor background can turn out to be rich tomorrow but it will demand a lot of determination and hard work to make that possible, but this isn't really the case for someone who is born into a wealthy home. I think the later will find it more easier to make his money


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Well I believe that making money is even the most hardest because managing of money can be achieved automatically when you do not have enough money .

There are so many people that have enough money in their life , the may not even see the needs to manage money because after all they have it . Management of money is not really important over here but just the ability for you to have a financial freedom is what we all must consider.

And if we are to to consider it in the economic point of view , people are likely to manage money much more easier in the economic world and also people are finding it much more difficult to work to raise the amount of money do they need.

It might actually take a very long time for people to work to be financially free and to be stable, but management of money comes automatically , because people won't likely want to spend much especially if they do not have enough.

I think people shouldn't really place much interest on money management but you should rather look for a way to work hard and becomes financially stable because that is what is needed in the society nowadays.


Valued Contributor
I am also of the opinion that managing money is much harder than making it. That is why most people's money that they earned with so much effort will go to waste because they did not manage it well. Which happens to so many people. It is a shame to see big businesses go bankrupt because of mismanagement of funds.

Making money seems easy because you just need knowledge and skill of how to make it. Then you can work hard at staying disciplined and giving a lot of effort to what needs to be done. When you know ways to make money and have the skill, it gets so easy to make it.

Managing the money you have also requires so much discipline and effort. But most people don't do it because they get carried away by the urges and desires that push them to using the money badly. These urges are so hard to control. .

Therefore, both making money and managing money requires both self discipline and effort. But one of them is so hard to give these two qualities. In fact, most people usually give a lot of effort to earning money. But they forgey to learn how to manage it.


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Making money is hard but managing money is harder. this is the reason why they sing making me first million-dollar is at but keeping the first million dollars for a while each other.

This is the fear of the rich people. they are doing everything within their capacity to make sure that they are not losing out their way of which they built. This is the reason why it is difficult for them to cater for people's need.

Most of the people who don't understand this usually see rich people as stingy persons. I believe with all the money the which people are they are expected to start throwing money around to help people carelessly. But that is not the case often.

This can be a problem for a rich person who don't have multiple streams of income to protect their wealth.

I need didn't go last week to a close friend of mine. He was in a financial mess and he started calling some of his friends to come to his aid.

The certain is that some of the rich friend he has could not render financial help for our Friend. He came up with series of excuses to justify the reason why he was unable to render financial assistance to our friend.


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The answer is not one sided, if i say making money is less hard, then everybody will have alot of money in their bag now. Making money means giving up a certain amount of control, which can be scary for some people. But when you let go of the reins and trust that someone else will take care of your finances, you can just focus on things that are important to you—like spending the time on your family and your hobbies, or making sure you're getting enough rest so that you're ready for whatever life throws at you.

I wouldnt say managing money is less hard too, because if so, so many will never go broke. Managing money requires a lot of work. You often have to make tough decisions about what needs to be spent and what doesn't. You need to keep track of all your accounts and investments, which can be time-consuming and stressful if they aren't in line with your goals. Plus, it's important to know how much money you have available at any given time so that you can budget appropriately for the coming months.
Making money can be hard, but some people think that managing money is even harder. After all, once you have money, you have to figure out how to budget and save it. However, making money can be a full-time job in and of itself. So which one is harder?

There is no easy answer to this question. It depends on a variety of factors, including your own skills and abilities. If you're good at making money but not so good at managing it, then you might find that managing money is harder. On the other hand, if you're good at managing money but not so good at making it, then you might find that making money is harder.

It's important to remember that both making money and managing money are important skills to have. If you're not good at either one, it can be difficult to get by in life. That's why it's important to learn both skills and to find a balance that works for you.


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Making money or managing money? The fact is, it's a tough question to answer.
You have to figure out what your money goals are and how to get there. You have to commit yourself to a plan of action, and you have to be willing to stick with it no matter what happens. But even then, there are plenty of people who manage their money better than others—and some who make more than others.

The key thing is that you need to be accountable for your spending and saving habits—and not let them slip away from you. If you do, it's all too easy for you to find yourself falling into debt, or putting off paying bills because they don't seem as important as other things on your list.

The good news is that there are lots of ways for you to manage your finances better! One way is by learning how much money goes where—and where that money came from in the first place. Another way is through making smart investments—like buying stocks or bonds—that will pay off over time as interest compounds.


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I don't have any problem with money management because this can easily be arranged and even if I cannot be able to manage money but as long as I have the money that I need to take care of myself , I can still organise it to use profitability in my life to start up a business or maybe to invest in real estate depending on my decision.

But a situation in which you do not have something to manage , automatically the most important thing will be to look for a to make money so as to be able to have enough money in your life.

It's not easy , and it is expected that we try as much as possible to work hard now because that is what is needed. If we can work hard to make enough money we will definitely know how to save a hard earned money.

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