Making dried fish for a business


VIP Contributor
Dried fish is very popular in the city because here the dried fish is best to be eaten with fried rice for breakfast. In fact that kind of breakfast is the favorite in our home. Making dried fish is easy but you have to do it by the coastline so the fishermen can easily bring you the fish for your drying needs.

The equipment needed are platforms made of screen where you lay down the fish to dry under the sun. The drying takes 2 days so on the 3rd day the packing of the dried fish is done and right away can be delivered to the stores and in the market. That business is for the rural people who live near the coastline.
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VIP Contributor
Fish business in general whether dried or fresh is a lucrative one. I have a course mate that is into fishing business and he has totally abandoned his degree certificate and have gone deep into the business. Dried fish business needs a skillful hand that can dry the fish just the way buyers want and a good location where buyers can easily access it. It is one business that one can easily start when once one can have a little capital to begin