Make Money with only a laptop and internet connection


Valued Contributor
Hi everyone!!! Do you know that you only need a laptop and internet connection to make an income?
Nowadays,it is so easy to make some money online. You only need a laptop and internet.
Well, you can start earning money by:

Selling items you do not need on Amazon or on eBay.

Starting a Blog with interesting content.

Participating in Surveys.

Writing an eBook if you have a talent in writing.

Becoming a Virtual Assistant.

Working on Social Media.

Well? What do you think?Hope that you will find these ways to earn some money helpful and working ones for you.
Any suggestions from your side are more than welcome.
Though if you have a laptop and internet connection, it makes it easier for you to earn on the internet. Those are the prerequisites for earning online. But it's not that easy to earn online if you don't have anyone to guide you through. As a newbie online, if you are not very careful you may enter into scammers hand and they will reap you off. That are several scam sites these days which targets newbies online.
Just because you have a laptop and internet connection does not mean you can start selling on Amazon and ebay, start a blog, write an ebook etc. and make money. IN order to sell on Amazon and eBay you need products, you need to spend money to acquire or develop products. Even to blog and make money, you need writing skills, SEO and digital marketing skills, and skills to create websites. Trust me just because you have an interesting book does not mean you can easily sell it.
Though if you have a laptop and internet connection, it makes it easier for you to earn on the internet. Those are the prerequisites for earning online. But it's not that easy to earn online if you don't have anyone to guide you through. As a newbie online, if you are not very careful you may enter into scammers hand and they will reap you off. That are several scam sites these days which targets newbies online.
Hi Sherman198. Thanks again for your nice post. I absolutely agree with everything you say. The first things you need in order to make money online are a laptop and a good internet connection. However,if you are a newbie online,you have to be very careful because most sites are fake and you may waste your precious time and effort on them without getting paid in the end. As far as I am concerned,the best site is Trendri.It is a legit site and the best of all is that you meet new people here and you get informed about several topics that have to do with health or ways to earn money online.I like this site. Fecoms is doing a perfect job here.
Hi Sherman198. Thanks again for your nice post. I absolutely agree with everything you say. The first things you need in order to make money online are a laptop and a good internet connection. However,if you are a newbie online,you have to be very careful because most sites are fake and you may waste your precious time and effort on them without getting paid in the end. As far as I am concerned,the best site is Trendri.It is a legit site and the best of all is that you meet new people here and you get informed about several topics that have to do with health or ways to earn money online.I like this site. Fecoms is doing a perfect job here.
Well said....Trendri is the best among all PTP sites i have ever come across. Though, people's preferences are different and we still have people here who may have preferred other PTP sites to this one. But personally, I think site is great. You can easily make money here everyday, if you stick to the rules.
With a laptop and internet connection like you put it on the post, there are actually many ways one could take the advantage to earn money and most of the ways are by doing some freelance works online. Well I won’t deny the fact that some people uses it for illegal means which I definitely do not support because it is not something to resort to no matter the situation. I even know of some people that uses this chance to make some foreign exchange business because that’s what you also need to do it and probably some money to invest in it
Well said....Trendri is the best among all PTP sites i have ever come across. Though, people's preferences are different and we still have people here who may have preferred other PTP sites to this one. But personally, I think site is great. You can easily make money here everyday, if you stick to the rules.
Hi. Thank you for your nice post. I absolutely agree with you.Trendri is my favourite site. Here you meet new people, you learn about a lot of things and share your knowledge with others. I love Trendri so much.
well, with a laptop and internet connection you'll be able to online easily especially with PTP sites like trendri or side hustles like freelancing.

But if you want to go deep and create wealth for your self then you should be ready to do a lot of digging for information and resources on ways to earn online, but what you listed is the prerequisites that you need.

Like Mika stated, you need to understand and learn the skills on any online business you want to start, this iswik put you ahead of the game.

Also is very ideal to have a mentor, it will save you from a lot of mistakes.
well, with a laptop and internet connection you'll be able to online easily especially with PTP sites like trendri or side hustles like freelancing.

But if you want to go deep and create wealth for your self then you should be ready to do a lot of digging for information and resources on ways to earn online, but what you listed is the prerequisites that you need.

Like Mika stated, you need to understand and learn the skills on any online business you want to start, this iswik put you ahead of the game.

Also is very ideal to have a mentor, it will save you from a lot of mistakes.
Hi moonchild. Thank you so much for your informative post. I fully agree with everything you write.It is very important,as you say, to have a mentor as well because in this way you will avoid making a lot of mistakes and you will have the correct guidance. Thanks again for your nice post and for your time.
In the fields where I work online I can work from my laptop and from my pc, but it is much more comfortable for me from my pc. I take 4-5 hours a day, I sit at the big desk, I feel much more comfortable and okay than on a small laptop or on the phone and it would take me even longer.

Now it depends on what you are working on. If you sell products or answer certain people, yes, you can use the phone or laptop. But if it requires more time and more attention, I do not recommend it because it will take up even more time and will be tiring afterwards.
Hi greenieS. Thank you very much for your nice post and for your time. Nice to hear that you work online. I also find it more comfortable to work from my PC than from my phone or laptop. I belive most people here will agree with us.

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