Make money renting space


New member
There is a new marketplace called SnatchSpace designed to help people find and rent space. A garage or room in your basement for storage, RV and car parking, manufacturing space on nights and weekends, and commercial kitchens for startups are but a few types of listings available on the site. Think AirBnB for non-living space.

There is no cost to post a listing and the site provides secure credit card processing via Stripe, calendar functionality for availability, and a feedback rating system. Fees are paid by the renter so you keep more money for yourself. You have 100% control over approval of rental applications.

It's a new site and they are running a few promos where you can make additional $:

  • Post a free listing with pictures by the end of January and be entered in a drawing for a $100 to spend at Amazon
  • When you refer a friend and they register and complete a transaction on the site, you'll earn $5. The more people you refer that use the site, the more you earn!

Make money renting out your extra space.
Nice business idea.. the problem is that I don't even know if this business is a worldwide business or it is mainly for people in the western countries.. even if this is possible for every part of the world to do it some people may not even have the opportunity to make money with this business because some people are just renting house to stay without having their own personal house yet..

it is even a nice idea for people that have a house to rent out and some people who have a property to rent out may not necessarily have to get themselves involved in website, the reason is because a house is always on high demand and whenever there is a renting space there is always someone to accommodate it...

Well I'm just interested to make money in different ways of making money , this may include learning a skill or engaging in other profitable online activities that can be able to generate me some money.. renting and leasing of buildings for people to pay me is not my area of concentration except I really want to engage in the referral activities of making money.. which may not be for a long time.
Nice business idea.. the problem is that I don't even know if this business is a worldwide business or it is mainly for people in the western countries.. even if this is possible for every part of the world to do it some people may not even have the opportunity to make money with this business because some people are just renting house to stay without having their own personal house yet..

it is even a nice idea for people that have a house to rent out and some people who have a property to rent out may not necessarily have to get themselves involved in website, the reason is because a house is always on high demand and whenever there is a renting space there is always someone to accommodate it...

Well I'm just interested to make money in different ways of making money , this may include learning a skill or engaging in other profitable online activities that can be able to generate me some money.. renting and leasing of buildings for people to pay me is not my area of concentration except I really want to engage in the referral activities of making money.. which may not be for a long time.
You can make money on referrals to SnatchSpace. Get your friends/connections to list space on the site and you'll earn $5 when they complete a transaction. No limit to how much you can make.

Most people know someone with some space - people just need to think creatively how they could use it to make money. If you don't have any space, go out and find it. Find someone with an extra parking space in your neighborhood and partner with them to rent it on SnatchSpace. Find someone with an unused garage and get them to put it on the site and have them pay you a % of the rent. Get creative.
You can make money on referrals to SnatchSpace. Get your friends/connections to list space on the site and you'll earn $5 when they complete a transaction. No limit to how much you can make.

Most people know someone with some space - people just need to think creatively how they could use it to make money. If you don't have any space, go out and find it. Find someone with an extra parking space in your neighborhood and partner with them to rent it on SnatchSpace. Find someone with an unused garage and get them to put it on the site and have them pay you a % of the rent. Get creative.
This might really be a very difficult business idea because this cannot easily be achievable and you should have also listed the best location that is suitable for this business so people can really see if it will be suitable in their location,

Here in Africa I don't really know if this business will really be profitable as I think because most people may not really have time to go through all these procedures of getting a parking space or any other space for whatever they want to do..

Maybe it is a business idea that can be done by most people in developed Western countries but here It would be very difficult for most people to engage in it and a lot of people might even believe it to be a scam because of High rate of online fraud

Even if people will likely accept this I think is going to take a lot of time for its popularity to spread all over then people can really think of making use of this opportunity but while it is unknown to a lot of people it may be very difficult for you to convince people about this particular idea whether it is profitable or not.
I'm not familiar with Snatchspace and I'm not sure if they operate in our country but the concept isn't new. People can turn unused spaces in their property into a source of income by renting them out to people who need them. One of the common practices in my community is renting out spaces for use as garages or parking spaces for car owners. You don't even need a formal structure for this purpose. You just need a secure, private place where people can park their car safely and conveniently. Some rent out a vacant lot that serves as a space for a fruit and vegetable business or a small wet market. People usually advertise their business through Facebook Groups. It would be convenient to have a listing of these properties in one place.​
I'm not familiar with Snatchspace and I'm not sure if they operate in our country but the concept isn't new. People can turn unused spaces in their property into a source of income by renting them out to people who need them. One of the common practices in my community is renting out spaces for use as garages or parking spaces for car owners. You don't even need a formal structure for this purpose. You just need a secure, private place where people can park their car safely and conveniently. Some rent out a vacant lot that serves as a space for a fruit and vegetable business or a small wet market. People usually advertise their business through Facebook Groups. It would be convenient to have a listing of these properties in one place.​
Currently SnatchSpace is only operating in the US.

Your examples are exactly what it's designed for. The goal is to bring all types of space to one place. Parking spaces, garages, basements for storage space, garden beds. Think AirBnB for non-living space.