Make $35 per hour



$175 a day for liking Facebook posts

If you know how to Tweet, like a post on Facebook, or upload a video to YouTube (it’s simple and we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions) then today’s available job could be the simplest money you ever make.

Job title: Get paid to help businesses post content to their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Job description: We’re looking for ordinary folk from South Africa to help online companies promote their businesses through social media using their phone or tablet (both Android and IOS). You don’t need to know anything about social media advertising, as this is an entry-level position and full training is provided.

Pay: $35 an hour ($175 a day)

Location: Posting to social media accounts is obviously done online, so this is a remote position available to people from South Africa.

Requirements: You need three things: 1) An internet-connected device such as a laptop, phone, or tablet (Android or IOS) 2) Internet access 3) 5 hours available each day to use social media to promote these companies.
$175 a day for liking Facebook posts

If you know how to Tweet, like a post on Facebook, or upload a video to YouTube (it’s simple and we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions) then today’s available job could be the simplest money you ever make.

Job title: Get paid to help businesses post content to their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Job description: We’re looking for ordinary folk from South Africa to help online companies promote their businesses through social media using their phone or tablet (both Android and IOS). You don’t need to know anything about social media advertising, as this is an entry-level position and full training is provided.

Pay: $35 an hour ($175 a day)

Location: Posting to social media accounts is obviously done online, so this is a remote position available to people from South Africa.

Requirements: You need three things: 1) An internet-connected device such as a laptop, phone, or tablet (Android or IOS) 2) Internet access 3) 5 hours available each day to use social media to promote these companies.
Can you make the opportunity open for other countries?
I want to register, are there other conditions that I have to fulfill?
This is sounding to good to be true, I will like to request for more evidence and proof of payment due to previous experiences. This sounds too good to true. Generally everyone is interested in what can generate a passive income and put an additional income to the table which is a welcomed development but the challenge lies in the technical correctness or should i say accuracy of this information because of our previous experiences. They will promise heaven on earth but eventually end up not fulfilling or keep their end of the bargain. but having proves can help aswel. Just to eradicate doubts.
$175 a day for liking Facebook posts

If you know how to Tweet, like a post on Facebook, or upload a video to YouTube (it’s simple and we’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions) then today’s available job could be the simplest money you ever make.

Job title: Get paid to help businesses post content to their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Job description: We’re looking for ordinary folk from South Africa to help online companies promote their businesses through social media using their phone or tablet (both Android and IOS). You don’t need to know anything about social media advertising, as this is an entry-level position and full training is provided.

Pay: $35 an hour ($175 a day)

Location: Posting to social media accounts is obviously done online, so this is a remote position available to people from South Africa.

Requirements: You need three things: 1) An internet-connected device such as a laptop, phone, or tablet (Android or IOS) 2) Internet access 3) 5 hours available each day to use social media to promote these companies.
How to apply for this job?