Is your Website Search Engine friendly?


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Is your website search engine friendly?

It is one thing to promote your business yourself, but quite another for Google to promote your business. This is because S E O is a collection of practices that affect Google’s ranking algorithm. Over time, this algorithm has grown to include machine learning and user behavior, and provides the best results for searchers in terms of quality and precision. It is not just a marketing stunt of the moment but a collection of processes working along the path to better your position in the results pages of search engines. Also, because Google has location-based results, you stand as good a chance as the big retailers to show up on the first page of the routine of searching of Google for free.
SEO is generally used to introduce a website or company products/services, or is also often used as a promotional tool because it is ranked in search engines by someone who searches according to keywords. Even though I have tried my best, not all site pages can rank in search engines or are SEO friendly. For this reason, as webmasters we also have to pay attention to article structure, simple and short paragraph descriptions, and the site must be accessible on various devices, be it desktop. , smartphones etc.