Is there a right time to ignore your customers?


VIP Contributor
I was having a conversation with a friend of mine last night, and she asked me if there was a right time to ignore your customers. I think that the right time to ignore your customers is when they start to get inconvenient and annoying. You can't fix an irritating customer, so you have to be ready to say goodbye. There are two ways of doing this: you can either close the customer down completely or go as far as ignoring them entirely.

I would also say, It depends on the situation and your business goals.

If you have a large customer base and you're trying to maximize sales, then you should always be listening to them. If you're trying to sell a product or service that has a small market, then it's probably not worth it to spend too much time listening. You'll get better results by focusing on what works for you and your customers, rather than trying to please everyone all the time.