Is there a difference between UX and UI


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UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design are related, but they have different purposes. They contribute to designing and developing digital products, including websites and mobile applications.

UI Design: a product’s visual and interactive elements. These are icons, buttons, toggles, and layouts that users interact with to complete tasks.

UX Design: a user’s overall experience with a product. It includes factors such as ease of use, accessibility, and feelings about such interaction with the product.

What is the main difference between these terms? UX design focuses on creating a positive user experience, while UI design is concerned with a product’s visual and interactive elements. Both provide various rules for organizing different pages, from the homepage to checkout. For example, you can find some homepage UX tips here or look for other information on the blog.


Yes, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) refer to related but distinct aspects of website and app design. UX refers to the overall interactions and impressions people have when engaging with a product or service. It considers ease-of-use, accessibility, intuition, emotion, and how well interactions solve a user’s problem. UI refers specifically to the visual design components like layout, color schemes, typography, interface elements, animations and how information is structured and presented visually. An effective UI contributes to but does not account for the entire UX, which requires a more holistic approach, encompassing brand, function and delight.