Is education useful to a business person?


Valued Contributor
Education can be formal or informal. The question now is that whether education, formal or informal useful for a business man.

I think any reasonable person should concur to the answer that yes it is useful even though lack of it does not mean you can't go into business but it's presence gives you a leverage in your business.
Reason being that there are moments when you will need your educational knowledge in taking care of some issues.
Informal education can involve a training on some business techniques or other sort of things that are of use and can help you forward in the business field.
Therefore, personally I am of the opinion that a business person should if possible get some level of education whether formal or informal but even if education is not obtainable, one can still go into business but education is also good to a business person.
What is your opinion on this? Share with all of us in the comments section.
Thank you.


Though some might say education is not a key to success when it comes to business, to some extent, this is true. There are so may facts and example to back this up. Looking at the business world today, there are lots of wealthy business owners out there but do not have a degree. Education is not a must but it actually gives you an advantage. There are certain places an uneducated person might not be able to attain, they would have to rely on others at this point, but an educated person on the other hand would be able to know how to manage things easily.


Active member
Well,this is a two way thing, in a way it is,why on the other way round, it's not. There are some business that needs a little education,why there are some that requires smartness and brilliance. So many people who own business today, didn't go to university, while some who does can't handle little business. It solely depends on each individual.

Let me tell you also that not all those who are educated are smart and brilliant, infact some people strive hard to get education just for the name and respect it gives. Not all those who are educated can handle a business, so education may be useful to me why it may not be useful to you,in terms of business. And it also depends on the type of business we are talking about here,most people who try to learn a skill and at the end of the day set a business for themselves and doing perfectly well with a lot of profits aren't educated.


VIP Contributor
I think people need to understand the difference between education and School. there are several ways you can get educated whether formal or informal and anybody who wants to venture into a business must have been educated before he or she can probably understand how the business works.

There is no way you can be able to succeed in any business venture if you do not have enough knowledge which can be gotten by education of how the business venture works.

That is actually how to succeed in any business because you need to go through some level of mentorship from people who are already successful in such a business and learn from them.

There are also a lot of ways in which people get educated about some businesses by watching videos on YouTube or listening to podcasts. These are various methods you can use to get educated about some businesses.