Is A 7 Figure Salary Realistic?


A 7 figure salary is a common goal for many people. However, it can be difficult to reach this level of income. If you want to work towards a 7-figure salary, there are a few things that you will need to do.

The first thing is to determine what your company's revenue is. This will help you determine what kind of salary and bonus you should have as well as how much money your boss makes in total each year. After determining this information, you should then look at what other companies in your industry have paid their employees. You may find that there are some companies that pay more than yours but they may also be located farther away from where you live which means they wouldn't be able to offer as much support during travel or relocation situations (which often occur with high-level jobs). You can also look at how many hours an employee works each week before deciding if this job is right for you; if it's not something you would enjoy doing for that long of a period of time then perhaps another position could be considered instead.

It's all about what you want out of life right now. For example: If you're in your 20s and have no kids, then maybe having a six figure salary would be great for you. it will give you time to travel around the world and explore different cultures. On the other hand, if you're in your 50s with kids and grandkids, then having a seven figure salary might be a stretch at this point in your career. The idea is that if there are more factors involved than just what kind of job you want (like whether or not you have children), then it may make more sense for someone else to decide what kind of salary they'd like to have rather than making decisions based on how much money they would need for themselves or their family members' needs."