Integrating Marketing Communication Process


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Marketers work in a very dynamic environment that is characterized by changing client demands and wants, fierce rivalry, evolving process technology, advances in information technology, government laws, and so on.
As a result, they are implementing Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) (IMC).
The integration of a company's multiple communication channels to offer a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the firm, its products, and brands is known as integrated marketing communication (IMC).
The majority of businesses use promotion tactics such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations to interact with their target customers. A message is sent to the target customers using each of these tools.
To promote successful communication, IMC recommends carefully combining these promotional techniques.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) entails creating a comprehensive marketing communication plan that acknowledges that all of a company's marketing operations (not only promotions) interact with its customers.
Every action a marketer takes conveys a message to the intended audience.
The EMC method is superior than the previous method of treating multiple promotional activities as separate entities.
It aids in the development of the most appropriate and successful technique of communicating with customers and other stakeholders.