Importance of having full knowledge about your business products.


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As the business owner or business manager selling and rendering goods and services to customers and clients it is expected for you to have full knowledge of the kind of goods and services in which you said and render to members of the public. It is absolutely so sad and never congratulated to see how much equity of business owners who sell and render goods and services not having full knowledge of the kind of goods and services in which they sell and render, and this usually lead to customers and client means using a particular product being recommended by a particular seller. Customers and clients may ask questions on how a particular product or service is being used and you will be in the business product seller not knowing what the product does can totally mis-inform the client or customer.

For example in a chemist shop, a customer may want to buy a particular drug and it is expected for you to know what this drug does or does not do. And you not having full knowledge of the usage of this particular drug may prescribe the drug to the customer wrongly. And we know wrong usage and misuse of drugs can lead to so many devastating consequences, some of which include death. This is not only applicable to drug selling business even a grocery store seller can mis-inform a customer on the usage of a particular grocery product for example body cream, and we know wrong usage of some body creams can lead to skin inflammation and irritations. So this makes it very important for you to be informed about your business products and how they are used.
It is very important to have full knowledge of the products you are selling even if you are not the person that produced them. It helps you to market the product effectively. Some customers are very inquisitive. They would ask and ask lots of questions. Some even go as far as asking you for recommendations. It is important to have full knowledge and understanding of what you are selling. I even have situations where customers ask me medically related questions because I sell organic chickens. That is why as a business person, you should give yourself to study and understand what you sell.

As a business person, you are like a direction giver. You direct your customers on the right thing to do. No matter what you sell, try and study about it so you would be able to help customers who have queries and worries. It is part of the marketing plan.
Understand perfectly what you're trying to say here . All I can say is that it will depend on the type of business One is doing. For example people who are dealing with selling of provision may not really needs to have a full idea of the type of products they are selling , of course they will know the basic use of most of those products but that doesn't mean that they have a deeper understanding of how those product could be properly use and it is not needed because a client who is coming to buy these product will understand what it is being used for.

This is mostly required in professional business such as establishing a chemist, having a skills that you are professionally good at , it is expected that you need to have a good understanding of it before even establishing a shop concerning it in the first place.