Importance of business communication to an entrepreneur!


Positive and effective communication with clients and partners help entrepreneurs to stay in touch which builds a pleasant experience for them. Entrepreneurs can effectively communicate with their customers using these advanced communication channels. It helps in enhancing customer experience and satisfaction. To mitigate the risk of financial loss or failure, it serves a business owner to have a certain set of skills. A great entrepreneur must be able to effectively communicate, sell, focus, learn, and strategize. An ability to continuously learn is not just a key entrepreneurial skill, but also a very valuable life skill.
Also, Developing leadership skills helps develop talent, roll out new products and services, deliver efficiency and gain market share. Not developing your leaders might be fine if you want to stay small. If not, it will stunt your growth. Your success as an entrepreneur is determined in large part by your ability to communicate. You can be the best at what you do, but if you’re not communicating effectively with clients, staff and the market, then you’re missing opportunities

Below are various communication skill every entrepreneur must posses

1. Conversing
Conversation is one of the most basic forms of communication, but don’t underestimate it. A simple, friendly conversation with your employees can build trust and expose issues before they become serious. An innocuous bit of small talk with a stranger can turn into a sales opportunity. Learn to speak in an approachable, friendly way that you can apply to any situation.

2. Body Language
Much of communication is nonverbal, so mastering your body language presentation is a must. In any situation, posture matters -- sit or stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head high and straight. Look people in the eye. Don’t fidget. Keep your hands out of your pockets. And these are just the basics! Mastering body language can allow you to command a room.

3. Writing
You don’t have to be a perfect writer, but you do need to learn to be direct and concise in written forms. You’ll be emailing and texting people within and outside your organization regularly, and it’s important that you communicate your ideas clearly in this medium, with minimal opportunities for misinterpretation.

4. Presenting
You’ll be presenting in a few different formats as an entrepreneur, but they can be collectively grouped into one skill. You may be presenting company financials to your top employees or investors. You may present your business’ services to an interested buyer. You may even give a speech about entrepreneurship at a speaking event. In all these cases, clarity, conciseness, confidence and poise are all key.

5. Negotiating
You have to negotiate for almost everything in a business, so the better you are at negotiating, the more successful your business will be. You’ll be able to secure better terms for your office’s lease, more reasonable salaries for your most talented employees and even more lucrative options for your top clients. Negotiating effectively is more than just using the right words; it employs timing, a knowledge of the right facts and the ability to remain confident throughout the process. for your most talented employees and even more lucrative options for your top clients. Negotiating effectively is more than just using the right words; it employs timing, a knowledge of the right facts and the ability to remain confident throughout the process.

6. Mediating
Though your role as a mediator will be less often necessary than your role as a converser, for example, there will be times when you have to step up and resolve a conflict. It might be between two employees with differing opinions about whose responsibility something is. Or it might be between two competing vendors who suffered a lapse in communication. In any case, you’ll have to acknowledge both sides and help them work out their own problems.

7. Debating
Debating here doesn’t necessitate arguing. It can be a healthy discussion of two or more alternative options in a productive, respectful setting. Your job in a debate isn’t to win against the enemy -- it’s to present your case and opinions clearly. Doing so, whether you're dealing with investors, partners or employees, can help you elucidate your ideas with greater strength and clarity.
The power of communication can not be over emphasized, it is one of the major aid of trade amongst the category of auxiliary to trade with include warehouses, banking, transportation, insurance etc. Communication has been described as the transferring of information between one end known as the sender and to another end known as the receiver and which gives a feedback. In the business world communication is key because without communication there won't be any form of business transactions what so ever.

In the application of communication in business it goes a long way to help both the entrepreneurs and the outsiders to express themselves in business language. just that communication in business must be balance and all forms of distortion must be avioded so as to ensure that the both parties carrying out the business transaction understands each other perfectly and that they get the right feedback.

And through communication entrepreneurs gain access get the opportunity to know the needs of their customers and they use the information they get to improve on their product and services. Communication has helped to bridge the gap between the entrepreneur and his business environment. Because through communication to can reach out to their desired audience.